The IDEACLINICS Weight Management Program is a medically-supervised weight loss program that closely monitors and assesses progress towards better health and emotional well-being.
The program utilizes modern scientific techniques with the support of a multidisciplinary team constituting endocrinologists, dietitians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and physiotherapists. This service is in conjunction with comprehensive patient education and support.
Obesity also can cause long-term complications in some people, including heart disease, stroke, kidney damage and many others.
The well-documented weight loss success of the IDEACLINICS Weight Management Program is based on the use of individualized care plans with multiple specialists supported by effective diet and portion sizes. Simple and effective, IDEACLINICS weight management will allow you to benefit from all “One-stop solutions for weight loss.”
This course will give brief knowledge on the below aspects
There’s no single rule that applies to everyone, but to lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate of 0.5 to 1kg a week, Idea clinics obesity service provides with guidance on a reduced-calorie healthy diet.
Reducing the number of calories in your diet will help you lose weight, but maintaining a healthy weight requires physical activity to burn energy. Physical activity also has wider health benefits and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 40%.
The psychology behind weight gain can sometimes involve eating too much when you regularly lose control of your eating, eat large portions of food all at once until you feel uncomfortably full, and are then often upset or guilty.
Psychological therapy at Idea clinics can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It’s also useful to treat any underlying anxiety and depression and help address weight issues.
Medications to treat overweight and obesity work in different ways. For example, some may help you feel less hungry or full sooner. Others may make it harder for your body to absorb fat from the foods you eat. Endocrinologists at Idea clinics will guide you with any options suitable for you to help lose weight.
Who should do this Course?
All Patients with weight issues and obesity
Course Objectives
To support patients in their journey towards a healthy weight.
To allay anxieties about their weight issues
To educate the patient about diet and lifestyle changes
To empower patients on how to take care of their health and avoid complications.
Course Outcomes
To support patients in achieving their target weights.
To empower patients to confidently manage their weight.
To educate patients about diet, exercise, monitoring and compliance with medications etc.
To support with skills and knowledge to deal with weight management